Miscarriage stories
Late miscarriage stories
Miscarriage stories
It’s hard to know what to say to someone who has had a miscarriage. In my experience, if your response starts with the words “at least” then don’t say it.
Miscarriage stories
A mother can never overcome a baby's loss; she simply learns to live with it day in, day out
Stillbirth stories
After our losses we welcomed our rainbow baby, Bertie
Miscarriage stories
To describe a child that lived inside you as ‘not viable’ is intolerably insensitive and cruel
Miscarriage stories
The hours ticked by and as his heart slowed my heart broke
Miscarriage stories
To describe a child that lived inside you as ‘not viable’ is intolerably insensitive and cruel
Miscarriage stories
It’s hard to know what to say to someone who has had a miscarriage. In my experience, if your response starts with the words “at least” then don’t say it.
Stillbirth stories
After our losses we welcomed our rainbow baby, Bertie
Miscarriage stories