This project took place at our London centre which operated between 1995 and 2021.
Why do we need this research?
Amniocentesis is a test that can be carried out when a woman is around 15–20 weeks pregnant to check if her baby has any genetic problems. Using ultrasound as a guide, a needle is inserted into the woman’s abdomen to take a sample of the amniotic fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb. This fluid contains cells from the baby that can then be tested in a laboratory for genetic conditions.
Amniocentesis involves a small risk of miscarriage – around 1%. For this reason, it is essential that the person doing the test is trained in both ultrasound and needle insertion so that they don’t harm the baby or the placenta during the procedure. This is even more important in obese women, where it can be more difficult to ensure the needle is inserted in the correct place.
Because of the risks, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends that anyone who carries out amniocentesis should be trained on a simulator. As a result, there was a need to develop a suitable device that would allow healthcare professionals to practice this procedure.
What happened in this project?
Tommy’s teamed up with Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity to design a simulator that would allow doctors to practice amniocentesis in women of different weights (normal weight, overweight and obese). The final model is now being produced by a company called Adam,Rouilly, which specialises in medical training equipment. The model uses materials that are strong enough to be used many times but are similar enough to the human body to give realistic ultrasound scans. The researchers tested the equipment thoroughly to make sure that it provided a good training experience for medical staff and it is now available commercially.
What difference will this project make?
The training simulator will help healthcare professionals learn how to safely carry out amniocentesis on women of different weights. This training will help to reduce the risks of the procedure for mother and baby as much as possible.