Movements matter - raising awareness of fetal movements
This is information about our #MovementsMatter campaign. Read our full information page on baby's movements in pregnancy here.
A baby moving during pregnancy can be anything from a flutter, kick, swish or roll and these are a sign that baby is well.
When a baby is unwell, they may conserve energy by slowing down their movements. This can be the first sign of a problem.
55% of women who had a stillbirth noticed their baby’s movements had slowed down or stopped but hadn’t reported it.
If this symptom is reported promptly there is a window of opportunity in which the baby’s life may be saved.
We want our campaign to raise awareness of the importance of fetal movements across the UK.
The campaign is supported by NHS England and Kicks Count.
If you are pregnant
We have information to support you if you are reporting reduced fetal movements. Read our full information page on baby's movements in pregnancy here.
Download the 'Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well' leaflet ( English PDF)
The leaflet contains clear messaging on reduced fetal movements consistent with national guidelines.
Translated leaflets
This leaflet is available in a large number of foreign languages here to download.
Listen to the audio version in English:
Find out more about reduced fetal movements.
Find out more
For press enquiries, please contact Tommy's press office on 0207 398 3436 or email [email protected]
Campaign press release (Word)
More information on baby movements
Leaflet and banner: Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well
Poster and flier: When to call the midwife
Keeping your baby safe in pregnancy
Sleep position in pregnancy Q&A