9 weeks pregnant: baby's development, your emotions and maintaining a healthy weight

Measuring about 22mm long, your baby is now as big as a strawberry.

Your baby’s development this week

Your baby’s eyes have grown by this point and already have some pigment (colour).

The nostrils and upper lip are developing and inside the mouth is a tiny tongue, which already has taste buds.

By now, your baby is starting to move around in the womb and can respond to touch, but it will be several weeks before you can feel their movements.

Get weekly updates on your baby's development from our expert midwives straight to your inbox.

Your pregnancy symptoms in week 9

The first trimester can be tough. Many people feel sick, vomit or feel exhausted. This can be difficult, especially if you’re trying to keep the news to yourself for now. 

Pregnancy symptoms can vary from person to person, but most people start to feel a little better as they move towards the second trimester. 

Speak to your GP, midwife or contact your hospital straight away if you are being sick many times a day or are unable to keep food or drink down. You may need hospital treatment as there is a risk you may become dehydrated.

Your emotions in pregnancy

Progesterone and oestrogen flood your body in the first trimester and can bring on a rollercoaster of emotional changes in pregnancy. Hormones aside, worrying about your baby’s health, finances and the future can also leave you feeling anxious.

"The surge of pregnancy hormones can sometimes be overwhelming. I remember feeling teary at times and I wasn't even sure why. Do try and share how you're feeling with your partner or close friend.”

Making some ‘me’ time is an important part of looking after your emotional health in pregnancy. And avoid stress as much as you can – these five ways to relax might help.

Find more top tips for looking after your wellbeing.

Feeling faint in pregnancy

Feeling faint in pregnancy can be due to hormone changes. You could try:

  • getting up slowly after sitting or lying down
  • finding a seat and waiting for the faintness to pass. 

if you feel faint while lying on your back, turn onto your side.

Are you also suffering from heartburn or cramping? Read our guide to 10 common pregnancy complaints and how to avoid them.

What to do in week 9

Make sure you check all medicines

If you’re experiencing headaches, it’s fine to take paracetamol. But not all over-the-counter medication is safe in pregnancy. Find out more about drugs and medicines in pregnancy

Find out what you should do if you have a severe headache that will not go away.

Maintaining a healthy weight

Managing your weight in pregnancy is not about dieting or trying to lose weight. It's about looking after yourself and your baby by eating healthily and staying active. Dieting during pregnancy isn’t recommended as it may harm your baby’s health. 

Maintaining a healthy weight in pregnancy can help reduce the risk of things like gestational diabetes or high blood pressure.

There is lots of support available if you have any concerns about your weight during pregnancy, whatever your circumstances. 

Find out which supplements you should take in pregnancy.

“When I was at my peak of nausea and tiredness, I asked the midwife for some advice. It turned out I was anaemic so I took a liquid iron supplement and drank orange juice with meals to boost the iron absorption from food.”

Find out more about staying healthy during pregnancy if you have a high BMI. 

Pack a snack

Having a supply of healthy snacks on hand can prevent you from reaching for sugary biscuits and sweets. These 10 super snacks will keep you going through the 3pm slump.

Dried fruit, such as apricots, are great for cranking up your iron stores and staving off pregnancy anaemia. They can also kick-start sluggish pregnancy digestion.

We’ve got lots of information about eating well in pregnancy.

Find out about nutrition in pregnancy.

1. Regan, Lesley (2019) Your pregnancy week by week: What to expect from conception to birth, Penguin Random House, London

2. NHS. Severe vomiting in pregnancy. https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/related-conditions/complications/severe-vomiting/ (Page last reviewed: 30 September 2019 Next review due: 30 September 2022)

3. NHS. Common health problems in pregnancy. https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/related-conditions/common-symptoms/common-health-problems/ (Page last reviewed: 8 March 2021 Next review due: 8 March 2024)

4. NHS. Paracetamol for adults. https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/paracetamol-for-adults/ (Page last reviewed: 23 May 2019 Next review due: 23 May 2022)

5. NICE Guidelines (2010) Weight management before, during and after pregnancy National Institute for Health and Care Excellence https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ph27

6. NHS. Weight gain in pregnancy. https://www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/related-conditions/common-symptoms/weight-gain/ (Page last reviewed: 18 October 2018 Next review due: 18 October 2021)

7. NHS. Iron. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vitamins-and-minerals/iron/ (Page last reviewed: 3 August 2020 Next review due: 3 August 2023)

Review dates
Reviewed: 11 July 2022
Next review: 11 July 2025