Beyoncé, bed rest and blood pressure

Image credit: Beyonce via Instagram
Over a year after the birth of her twins, Rumi and Sir, Beyoncé has spoken out about the pregnancy complications she experienced, including pre-eclampsia.
Beyoncé had significant swelling (a common sign of pre-eclampsia) and was put on bed rest for over a month. The severity of her condition meant that the twins were born via emergency c-section following advice from her doctors.
“My health and my babies’ health were in danger, so I had an emergency C-section.”
Following their birth, Rumi and Sir spent several weeks in NICU.
What is pre-eclampsia?
Pre-eclampsia is a condition that only occurs in pregnancy - typically after 20 weeks - and is a combination of hypertension (raised blood pressure) and proteinuria in pregnancy (the presence of protein in your urine).
How common is it?
- Pre-eclampsia affects up to 6% of pregnancies in the UK, and 2-8% globally.
- It is one of the major causes of premature birth.
Read more pre-eclampsia statistics.
What are the main symptoms?
Common signs of pre-eclampsia include:
- painful headaches that don’t go away with painkillers
- vision problems, such as blurriness or flashing before the eyes
- severe pain below the ribs
- sickness/vomiting
- heartburn that doesn’t go away
- sudden swelling of the face, hands or feet
- generally feeling very unwell.
Read more about the risks and treatments for pre-eclampsia.
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