Labour usually starts between 38 weeks and 42 weeks of pregnancy. That’s why, at your 38-week antenatal visit, your midwife or doctor will talk to you about what to expect if your baby becomes overdue. This may be the first time you hear the terms ‘membrane sweep’, ‘stretch and sweep’ or ‘cervical sweep’.
You may be offered more than one membrane sweep to help bring on labour.
What happens during a membrane sweep?
Your doctor or midwife will gently insert their gloved finger into the vagina and sweep around the neck of your womb (the cervix). The aim is to part the membranes of the amniotic sac that surrounds your baby from the cervix itself. It may feel bit like an internal examination.
This can cause your body to release hormones called prostaglandins. These hormones can help to kickstart labour by softening and ripening the cervix and stimulating contractions to start.
If your cervix is closed, and your midwife or doctor cannot do the sweep, they may massage the cervix instead.
Will a membrane sweep hurt?
It only takes a few minutes, but a membrane sweep can feel unpleasant. Some people find it painful. You may feel some cramping and discomfort. Afterwards, you may have more cramping and some light bleeding.
It may be worth knowing that although some people find the procedure uncomfortable, most would recommend it as an effective, drug-free way to get labour started.
When will I be offered a membrane sweep?
Your midwife or doctor will offer you a membrane sweep at your antenatal visits after 39 weeks. They’ll also ask if you would like more membrane sweeps if the first one does not get your labour started.
How effective is a membrane sweep?
Studies that involved thousands of people have shown that a membrane sweep is an effective way of getting labour started. It could reduce the need for more formal methods of induction, such as pessaries or hormone drips.
The time it takes for a membrane sweep to work varies, but the aim is to get labour started within 48 hours of the sweep.
Do I have to have a membrane sweep?
Your doctor or midwife will ask for your consent before a membrane sweep. You do not have to agree. If you decide against it, they will respect your wishes and give you other options to get labour started.
There are other things you could try to bring on labour yourself, such as having sex, or nipple stimulation. However, bear in mind that there is not as much science to support these methods.
If you do not go into labour by 42 weeks your midwife or doctor will offer you an induction. You may even be offered one sooner than this if your doctor thinks it would be safer for your baby to be born without further delay.
Find out more about induced labour.