Missed Miscarriage
Story of #miscourage by Anonymous,
I found out I was pregnant on the 20th July 2017 after four months of trying.
We were over the moon.
Everything went swimmingly until week six when I started to feel insanely sick on a daily basis. I could barely eat, couldn't go near red meat and felt like I was suffering from a constant hangover! I was encouraged by friends and family that sickness was a sign of a healthy pregnancy!
I went to my 12 week scan on the 15th September 2017 excited for the greatest day of my life (seeing our little one on the big screen), however, I was told our baby had died at 8 weeks and 4 days and I had suffered from a missed miscarriage. I was devestated. Deciding to have the operation was one of the hardest decisions as the NHS really pushed the natural option and I felt like my little one didn't want to let go.
On the 20th September I went in for the procedure and everything went incredibly well. I actually felt very relieved and positive for the first time in almost a week. I had no side effects (cramping, bleeding etc) and just felt a little delicate for 4-5 days afterwards.
I was told by the consultant that I should expect a period 4-6 weeks post the op and then we could start trying again. However, 6 weeks passed and no sign. I have since taken a pregnancy test, which was still registering as positive. I had a scan, which showed retained tissue with a blood supply and I should take antibiotics to flush out any residual tissue. I went for a second opinion as I had no symptoms of retained tissue (irregular bleeding, pain etc etc). The second opinion was I was pregnant again. This would be highly unlikely but not impossible. A pregnancy test 5 days later registered as negative. I am now 8 weeks post the op. I have had two HCG blood tests, which I am waiting for results from and I have two scans booked in with both consultants next week.
Having two completely different opinions is both confusing and scary. I have no idea who to believe and can't help but get excited for a pregnancy.
However, I think I may be getting my period and the whole thing is crushing me once more. I really thought I would have 2-3 cycles I could work with before Christmas, now I know I won't be so lucky. It's agnosing losing a little one you have never even met and all I want is to be pregnant again. It's all consuming and incredibly distracting.
Sending love to all of those who have experienced the same heartache, confusion and devastation as I have.
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Please note that the opinions expressed by users in Tommy’s Book of #misCOURAGE are solely those of the user, who is unlikely to have had medical training. These opinions do not represent the opinions of Tommy’s and are not advice from Tommy's. Reading individual, real-life experiences can be a helpful resource, but it is never a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a qualified health care provider. We strongly advise readers not to take drugs that are not prescribed by your qualified healthcare provider. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, midwife or hospital immediately. Read full disclaimer
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