We support families after baby loss

Through our specialist research clinics around the UK, as well as the information service and support line run by Tommy’s midwives, we are here to support parents and families who experience baby loss or pregnancy complications like premature birth.

Half of adults in the UK have experienced baby loss, or know someone who has. The emotional impact this has can be devastating and families can sometimes be left feeling isolated and alone.

We offer expert advice and support to families who experience loss or complications. We’re also passionate about bringing our supporters together to form a community where we can work to break the silence and stigma that surrounds baby loss. 

We support all those who experience loss

After the loss of a baby, families can often feel like there is nowhere to turn. We believe that everyone should have access to information and support during this difficult time.

Our team of specialist midwives work together to maintain a hub of information for families who have experienced miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, premature birth or neonatal loss. This includes information to help families make informed decisions about their care, advice on how to cope with grief, and practical tips for dealing with events such as a baby’s memorial or funeral service. 

“When Hope was born sleeping, I didn’t know where to turn. Tommy’s website helped me to survive when life felt impossible. My husband and I sat and watched a series of videos about life after stillbirth and felt like we’d finally found an online space that made sense to use. The information provided was a lifeline in the early days.” - Caroline’s daughter was stillborn in January 2020 

“When I found out our baby no longer had a heartbeat at our 12-week scan, I found myself on the Tommy’s website. I can’t explain how much it meant to find somewhere that clearly explained all the medical terms that were being thrown around.” - Meera experienced a missed miscarriage in October 2019

We know that nothing can take away the pain after loss, but we believe that it’s vital families get the support and information they need.

We help people break the silence

Some families who experience baby loss feel like their experience is surrounded with silence and shame. We believe that talking open and honestly about miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death can help people to feel less alone in experiences that could otherwise be very isolating.

At Tommy’s, we offer our community a platform to help break the silence. We’re committed to paving the way for greater public awareness of baby loss. 

The Baby Loss Series

This beautiful collection of animations breaks the silence on all aspects of baby loss. The voices in the animations are from the Stillbirth Stories audio archive of testimonies from women and men who have experienced loss.

Tommy's stories hub

On our stories hub, we share a wide range of personal reflections from people who have experienced baby loss, premature birth or pregnancy complications. Every voice helps us break the silence. If you'd like to share your story, please let us know.

We bring the community together

Our midwife-moderated closed Facebook groups are a place for people affected by baby loss to share their feelings, grief or worries in a safe online environment.

We currently run two Facebook groups: Tommy's Baby Loss Support Group and Tommy's Parenting After Loss Support Group. These groups are active communities where our supporters can reach out and share their experiences with one another. 

“I realised I wasn’t alone when I joined the Tommy’s Facebook baby loss support group. It was refreshing to communicate with people who understood exactly what I was going through. Knowing I was part of a community was invaluable.” - Gemma experienced 3 recurrent miscarriages before her son Alfie was born in 2019

We provide expert guidance 

After baby loss, many families will have access to a bereavement midwife through their local NHS trust. However, we know that sometimes people need more support. That’s why we run a midwife support line, offering grieving families expert information and confidential support from a qualified Tommy’s midwife

“I spoke to a Tommy’s midwife several times in the initial weeks after Jesse died. Being a single mother to a stillborn baby was the loneliest experience of life. It meant a lot just to be able to cry to someone. I still call from time to time, when something triggers a new wave of grief.” - Annette’s son Jesse was stillborn in November 2018

If you’re looking for advice from our midwives call 0800 014 7800 (weekdays 9am-5pm) or email [email protected].

We give families pioneering care

We have 5 Tommy’s research centres across the country, each associated with a number of specialist NHS antenatal clinics and recurrent miscarriage clinics. At these clinics, members of our team translate medical research into clinical practice in real time. This means that patients can access cutting-edge care and have the opportunity to participate in medical trials.

“I named my little boy Tommy because, quite frankly, he wouldn’t be here without Tommy’s. The staff at the preterm birth clinic in Edinburgh were beyond amazing. They really took their time with me and, for the first time in my pregnancy, I felt like I was finally getting the support I needed.” - Charley gave birth to baby Tommy under the care of Tommy’s team in Edinburgh

Find out more about our innovative research clinics, including the possibility of being referred for specialist care and support from the Tommy's team